About us

Briefly about us

Auditorská, daňová a účetní kancelář ve Zlíně a.s. offers comprehensive services in the fields of accounting, auditing and tax consulting. We specialize in providing services to small to medium-sized enterprises and sole proprietors. A brief summary of our services follows:

  • certifying accounts (audit) 

  • tax advisory services, tax preparation within an extended time limit (deferment)

  • bookkeeping

  • tax accounting 

  • payroll services 

  • taxpayer representation 

  • communication with the Tax Office, the Social Security Administration and health Insurance company 

  • counsels on mergers, spin-offs and selling the business  

  • counsels on sale of shares and shareholdings  

  • liquidation of companies 

Ing. Jitka Brychtová founded the accounting office in 1993 after a gaining experience in the Tax Office in Zlín. In the following year she began to provide tax advisory services after joining the Czech Chamber of Tax Advisers under the number 496. In 1995 when she registered with the Czech Chamber of Auditors under the number 1471, she was authorized to audit financial statements. 

Over the years many things have changed: many qualified associates joined the team; the legal form of the company and its location have been modified, however the cornerstone remains unchanged: a desire for professional and credible but still friendly approach to clients. 

The pricelist can be found here. 

We prefer to meet our clients in person rather than processing accounts online. Despite the convenience of technology and automation nowadays, our team emphasizes human values and the contact with our clients is meaningful to us. 

Contact us to arrange a meeting

Najdete nás

Potoky 5431, Zlín 760 01
Česká republika


Zastihnete nás

Po – Čt 7 - 17.00
Pá 7 - 15.00

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